Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Scott Pilgrim Pattern

I was surprised the other day to see my hits had jumped a little bit and then I noticed a comment. I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award!

I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Emma at Emma's Stitches. Thank you, you made my day. :)

The rules:

1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
4. Share five random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.

As to who I'm going to give the Liebster Award to, I'm not sure yet. Looking through the blogs I follow, most I thought of to give it to already received it. What I will probably do is this: from here on out, blogs I run across that I think should get it, I'll give it. I comment and let them know, as well and putting them in a blog post.

Facts about me:
1. I'm rather artsy, I love to paint/draw/stitch/create. I love to work with so many different mediums.
2. I like playing games, including video games (mainly RPGs), but I play most types of games. That included D&D and other pen and paper RPGs and board games. Currently, I'm somewhat obsessed with Arkham Horror.
3. I've got a brother and a sister.
4. I'm currently going to school for a degree in computer science. I already have a degree in digital art.
5. I'm currently engaged and will be getting married next October!

Alright, and as a thanks for the Award. I've had a few people ask about it so I'll post up the Scott Pilgrim pattern I made. I've seen many other people do this over the internet, but not a stitched pattern, I'd only seen it in done mainly Perler Beads, so I just converted that to a pattern to work off of.

I will give a word of caution. The colors may not be correct, so check the floss color before using it. The color it shows in the program I use isn't close at all to the color of the real thread. I didn't pay close enough attention and ended up having to remove quite a bit of floss after realizing my colors were rather dark.

So with that. Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!


  1. You are absolutely AMAZING!!! You totally deserve this and I am so proud of you.

    Not to mention, it makes my heart flutter that you put an exclamation point about us getting married... I'm in like legos! :) <3 Love you

  2. Hiya Ben,
    Thanks so much for posting the Scott Pilgrim pattern!!! I'll probably be stitching this on my t-shirt or something. (After I've finished my really big project)! And congratulations on your engagement! How long have you two been together? My boyfriend is called Ben as well, we've been together for 7 years now, but not yet engaged.
    Have a nice day!

  3. I just want to thank you for posting this pattern! I have been scouring the internet for days trying to find it or figure out how to make a pattern from the few pictures I've seen of completed works similar to this. You're my hero. xD
