I created more foam core boxes, this time working on Arkham Horror. I made them so that everything for all the expansions (4 large box and 4 small box expansions in total) and the main game fit. My goal was to make the game fit in as few boxes as possible, however, in the end I had to use 3 of the large boxes. Thankfully, everything fits nicely in there, though, so when I pick up the two expansions I'm missing, I won't need to redesign anything due to spacing. In order to ensure that buying the expansions didn't mean re-doing my work, I researched what components were in the expansions and measured accordingly, as if I already had them.
Pictured: All three Arkham Horror large boxes with removable game play and organization inserts
Pictured: ArkhamHorror box with Removable Game Play Inserts
This first box contains the other world and mythos cards in a removable game play insert that can be set out on the table. I also have separate inserts for Arkham, Dunwich, Kingsport and Innsmouth encounters. So, depending on which boards you are playing you can pull out the ones you need and leave the rest. Then there is space for the monster bag on the side. My only concern is that with the other expansions the monster bag will be a tight fit, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Pictured: Arkham Horror box with Investigator and god cards, Removable Game Play Insert with tokens
This second box contains the investigators, ancient gods, and other misc cards on one side and a removable game play insert with all of the tokens used during the game (health, sanity, etc.) on the other side.
Pictured: Arkham Horror box filled with removable game play inserts of various components.
Finally, the last box contains the remainder of the cards and tokens needed for the various expansions. They are all organized into RGPIs and for the most part are separated by expansion. Also, in this box, is a RGPI with all of the smaller cards used for playing (ie. Items, spells, allies etc.) I organized the box in this way for the purpose of simplicity and time saving when setting up for only the base game or base plus one expansion. The set up really is decreased when players don't have to shuffle through a big pile of cards just to sort them out each time.
Another project I worked on this month was continuing to paint the miniatures for Descent. I have all the small monsters for the base game done, but haven't started on the larger ones yet. I decided to start painting up some heroes to mix it up a bit. Below are the two I have done so far.
Pictured Left to Right: Painted Syndrael and Grisban the Thirsty from Descent 2nd Ed. Base Game
The picture is pretty decent I think. I am working toward the purchase of a better camera, so that they are fairly represented in image form. Based on this image I think the detail in the images is definitely lacking with my current equipment. I also painted up a couple of heroes from the original Descent (Pictured below.) I've been doing a lot of painting and I've been really happy about the results so far. These minis will be posted on my etsy account for purchase. My goal is that I could be painting minis and doing commission work as a source of income.
Pictured Left to Right: Painted Sir Valadir and Trenloe the Strong from the Original Descent Game
Also, I finally around to taking a couple pictures of the Clockwork Dragon from Reaper Miniatures that I painted a couple months ago. I went with a more beaten up and rusted look, compared to the clean metallic paintings I have seen so far, Doing the rust on the iron/copper was new to me but I thoroughly enjoyed working on it and I am really pleased with how it turned out.
Other than that I had a productive month. I made a light box to take pictures of my minis but lack the camera to take high quality pictures of them as I mentioned. I'm working on a few other projects that hopefully will move along this next month so I will be able to share them.
We got a few new games that I got to play. We bought Seasons, which I had heard was a great game, and I am pleased to report, it is excellent. We love it! It's quick, fun, easy to learn and I really appreciate the artwork. My wife and I have played it fairly consistently since getting it.
A few Kickstarters that we had pledged to came in this month as well. We got both Alien Frontiers and Myth. Alien Frontiers is a game I had been trying to get for a good year and a half before the Kickstarter for the 4th Edition went live. We figured out the rules fairly quickly and played a game and I loved it. It was well worth the wait. It's an excellent worker placement game with a twist of space. I enjoy the art, theme, and the game play of Alien Frontiers.
Myth, however, I was a little disappointed by. The game, once we figured out how to play, was fun and enjoyable. The problem was the rulebook. It is my opinion that the book is very confusing. For example: there were terms on cards that weren't in the book, symbols in the book that had no legend, terms used in the glossary that referred to other terms that were no where to be found and so on. It took us a few frustrating hours of searching forums, watching videos and trying to interpret symbols and vague rules to finally get through the first little bit of the game. One positive, is that its a really good looking game. The art is very high class and the miniatures are great.I'm looking forward to trying the game again, once I get the FAQs and figure out the answers to all of my questions. I think it has plenty of potential and I look forward to really enjoying it.
Hopefully you all enjoyed my long winded post. Hope your April is off to a great start and again, it is my goal to post more frequently so the posts are less novelesuqe.
I really appreciate your support. Don't forget to check out my tumbler. I am hoping to get my etsy up and running in the next week or so. Links are in my About Me to the right.
Thank you again for visiting!
Great job!! I want to build a box for my games can you post the measures to cut the foam please. Thank you! :)