Monday, January 21, 2013

January Update

I was hoping to get this out sooner but it kept getting pushed back. Oh well. Since I posted last (which was the end of December) I have graduated college and I'm not out again looking for a job. Super fun stuff...

I have a few things I'm going to post up quick so this shouldn't be a too long of post. First off, I finally competed the Scott Pilgrim cross stitch I started last year and got it in the frame. I shared the pattern a few posts back if you're interested in doing it.

 Next up is that I finished the painting I did for my wife for her birthday last summer. I did a few minor details and put it in a frame for her. I think it did quite a bit to make it look nicer.

The last thing I did was mainly for myself. This Christmas, Wizards of the Coast (Creators of Magic the Gathering) put out a Christmas gift box and they are really nice for storing cards so I got a few of them to put my cards in and I decided to make each one different from the others so I put this design on the top of one of them. It is a design that comes from a card in the latest set (Return to Ravnica) called Tablet of the Guilds. I mainly free handed it with pencil with the help of rulers and such and then did it in black paint markers and after it was dry put a clear spray coat over top so that it doesn't scratch off easily. It turned out really nice and I have a few more boxes to put designs on top of now.
Here is the top of the box in closer detail. If you don't know much about Ravnica, where the latest sets of magic cards are set, is a plane that is covered by a gigantic city where 10 different guilds have control over different parts of it. Each guild is a two color combination out of the 5 colors in magic (each pair representing a different guild). So each bubble below is the guilds symbol. It was my favorite set when it was first visited back in 2005, and it has been a blast revisiting it this last block so far. 

Beyond that I haven't done a whole lot art wise. I'm planning on starting to sketch more again, like I did earlier and trying to challenge myself to sketch everyday and work on my artwork more. I also plan on trying to update this more often, and I think it will be easier to get myself to update if I've got artwork to post. Anyway, we'll see how that all goes. Have a fantastic day and catch everyone next time.
