Hello Everyone! So if you read my last post, I told everyone that I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Over the month of November, you are tasked with writing a 50k word novel. If it seems daunting, it definitely did to me too. Here we are, 18th of November, and I'm about 15k words in. I'm far behind the curve but I'm not worried. On days where I can focus for a little while to write, I've managed to get a few thousand words out in a couple hours and with the holiday weekend coming I'm planning on being able to throw some time at it. Anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo?
So far, I'm liking my story. It is a fantasy adventure in a setting I've been writing and designing for years, so I was happy to finally find something to use it for. Maybe I'll throw up the first chapter or so on here if anyone is interested.
As far as artwork, I haven't done a whole lot recently. Most of my time has been devoted to school, NaNoWriMo, and general chores and such. I did manage to get a little piece done for me and my wife's 2 year anniversary of our first date. She likes angels and pandas and she has a tattoo of a panda angel (or what we've dubbed the pangel), so I decided to do a drawing of a pangel for you and put it in a frame. Here is how it came out.
I like how it turned out. It came out how I was wanting it and I was surprised that from start to finish only took me about an hour, hour and a half or so. I'm still trying to update more often and I think it will be easier once I am done with school. Anyway, hope everyone else is doing great.