Ok. So I'm finally starting a blog where I'm going to show off the stuff I'm working on. I figure it might keep me motivated to keep doing stuff. Also, it'll be a way for me to look back on what I've done and hopefully see some progress in my art. I figure I'm mainly going to be using this to show my works as they progress, but I also might post up things that inspire me or things I think others might like.
I guess before anything else, I'll say a little about myself and my blog. I'm currently 26, and I'm going to school right now. As for artistic stuff, its just about everything out there, and if I don't do it, I'm most likely planning to or really would like to try some day. I hope to get better in the art I do as I love doing it, but I've let life tell me I wasn't good enough or that I can't make it in art anyway so why try? That's gone, I'm over it, I'm going to work at it and I will get better. I've also always been a bit anxious or nervous about showing people my artwork, and I'm getting better with that, but I'm sure you don't want to here my go on about that.
As for the name of my blog, Brood Studio, I came up with the title a few months back when I was considering trying to do my own thing freelance in art. That popped into my head at work one day. To me it fits almost perfectly because I am not just one type of artist, I like to paint and draw (both physically and digitally), I went to school for Design in terms of Logos and Ad work (not the most fun to me but still pretty fun), I stitch and I'm just generally a crafty person. So there were so many things I couldn't just single it down. A brood is a group, a breed, or a species, so it fits for me with so many different mediums I like to work in.
And to get this rolling, here's a sketch I've been working on for a friend. I'm drawing a strong cave woman for her blog and got the sketch to a point where I'm good showing it. I've been working on this one probably a couple hours a day over the last week or so.
I've also got a couple other projects going on at the moment, but I don't have any pictures of those right now, so those will most likely be shared in the next day or two.
And with that, I'm going to sign off for the night. Anyone stopping by, thanks for checking out my blog and I hope you like what shows up the future.
I also plan on messing with the look of the blog, as currently its pretty plain to me.